Quarantining in Switzerland

Hello All,

All is fine with the family here in Switzerland. The schools have closed so we are home schooling the boys. The mission is also on telework mode so Angela & I are working from home as well. I feel this experience will go one for quite some time and I wanted to document some things along the way.

Today we went to a local dairy about 10 minutes away that we heard about. We are able to get fresh milk, cheese and eggs. They are open everyday from 5:30PM to 7:00PM, I guess after all the farm work is done for the day. I have included a few pictures below to show you all what it looks like.

I will try to post more as we make our way through this experience. Stay safe.

Roadtrippin' in Switzerland

We are headed to Lugano for a few days before school starts. Along the four hour drive we climbed over a mountain pass, explored a “gem cave”, found a great playground and discovered a couple interesting food finds .

Weekend Back in Paris

We came back to Paris this weekend for Zach's orthodontic appointment. We caught up with friends and Aidan got to spend time with his buddy Annie. We did a little bit of the touristy thing and went to the Military Museum at Invalides. We will finish the trip with a most American activity - a shopping run to Costco! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Flyers in Switzerland!

The Philadelphia Flyers had a preseason game here in Switzerland on September 30th. They played the local professional Lausanne hockey club. Lausanne is about a 45 minute drive north of our house in Meis (near Geneva).

We all had a great time. Even though they lost it was really nice to see our hometown team. Best of all the team brought Gritty with them! Although Aidan isn't quite sure what to make of Gritty yet.